

The International Cultural and Creative Economy and Development also known as ICCED, is an annual conference held in Athens, Greece, every year since 2009. The conference has been created by a small consortium of individuals, mainly representatives of non governmental and non profit organisations.

The organisations that established the ICCED are the International Independent Arts Council in collaboration with the Arts Council of Greece. This could never become reality without the cordial and in-kind support of a variety of local and national corporations, other not for profit art and culture organisations and volunteers as well as a variety of a of seasonal and diverse supporters mainly international managers and artist, often under the Auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports,  the Hellenic Ministry of Economy,  the Hellenic Ministry of Tourism, the Hellenic Ministry of Development, the Hellenic Tourism Organisation, the Municipality of Athens, the City of Athens Cultural, Sport & Youth Organization (OPANDA). Previously the ICCEDA proudly gained the support of the British Council in Athens, the Institute of Development of Western Greece and iForce Communications. 

The International Cultural and Creative Economy and Development is also currently supported by the Asia Europe Foundation, the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA), the Association of Lisenced Tourist Guides , the Culture Polis, the Association of Heritage Consultants (ESDIAPOK), the Acoustic Guides, as well as the websites, and Parking .gr. The worldwide organisers and promoters of the ICCEDA are the International Independent Arts Council and the Artality Ltd (UK live Events Production Company).

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